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Holy Child Primary School, Derry


24th May 2024
A big well done to this month's Writers of the Month! What an achievement! 
24th May 2024
Congratulations to Jamie Mc Fadden on being awarded this week's Head Teacher's Award...
24th May 2024
Congratulations to out Star of the Week this week who were chosen by their teachers...
24th May 2024
We have had a very busy month learning about Minibeasts and Lifecycles. To...
24th May 2024
Well done to Teddy Harwood in primary 1 who successfully guessed the number of sweets...
23rd May 2024
Today the boys and girls in P6 helped Father Michael plant flowers in St. Mary's...
23rd May 2024
Primary 6 had a fun filled day taking part in all things Maths related! 
23rd May 2024
The boys and girls gave thanks to Mary in the May Procession. We all placed flowers...
23rd May 2024
The boys and girls in Miss Cullen's class took part in our annual May Procession....
23rd May 2024
This week, our primary 5A pupils visited St Joseph's sport facilities to take part...