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Holy Child Primary School, Derry

Eco Schools


We are delighted to announce that we have renewed our Eco Schools Green Flag. The Eco Schools Programme is the world's largest Environmental Education programme. The Green Flag is the highest award given to schools and symbolises excellence in environmental activity.

We want to congratulate everyone for their hard work, especially the children in our Eco Committee. These 'Eco Warriors' have worked tirelessly to make our school much more environmentally friendly: reducing waste, increasing recycling, reducing water usage, creating new nature areas and looking after our vegetable patch.


We will continue our important work this year.





26th Jan 2025
Through our topic we have been learning about what foods come from plants. The children...
21st Jan 2025
What a lovely morning spent with our P7 representatives at the Guildhall. The children...
21st Jan 2025
As part of our new topic “In the Toy Box” the boys and girls in P1b...