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Holy Child Primary School, Derry

Pupil Achievement

14th Jun 2024
This was a week full of sports at Holy Child Primary School. We had our sports day races, our KS1 Football tournament, KS2 football tournament, the Ciana Healey triathlon and of course our BIG FAMILY WORKOUT. Well done to all the boys and girls who took part in all of these events. There are definitely a few future Olympians at Holy Child Primary School! 
14th Jun 2024
We are extremely proud of Hannah O’Carolann, Caiden Wright, Kian Canning and Callum Mc Cool who represented our school today at the Ciana Healey try-a-tri at Templemore. These children have put in weeks of hard work and preparation for this event, and today that all paid off when they returned to school with their trophies and medals. 
11th Jun 2024

Wow!!! Our kids had the most amazing sensory bubble experience in the hall this morning. The kids were mesmerised by Ray and what he could do with bubbles! They loved this interactive sensory experience, I think the looks on both the kids and the adults faces say it all....thanks Ray for a very cool and fun morning, we loved it!!!

7th Jun 2024
A big congratulations to Oisin for being our first AR millionaire! He received a gift card for his brilliant achievement.
7th Jun 2024
Well done to Finn for being an AR quarter-millionaire!
7th Jun 2024
Congratulations to Geraldine Callaghan who received this week's Head Teacher's Award for being a model pupil. Well done, Geraldine! 
7th Jun 2024

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week who were chosen by their teachers for being great students. Well done everyone!

2nd Jun 2024
We are extremely proud of our two Primary 7 girls, Sophie and Megan, who played during the halftime game at Celtic Park today. Well done girls! 
26th May 2024

P6 A and B were getting their hands dirty and planting seeds to take home which will produce tomatoes by early August 2024.
These are to add to the sunflowers we planted a few weeks ago and which are growing successfully in school and some we took home as well.
Our teacher said they will grow to six feet tall. But we think that is a tall tale lol.

26th May 2024

The next generation of aeroplane engineers and designers. All ready for a challenge skilled up and ready for anything.