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Holy Child Primary School, Derry

News - Year 6

24th Jun 2024
Congratulations to the boys and girls who won the poster competition. Thanks to Triax...
21st Jun 2024
What an amazing day spent at Jungle NI! We jumped from trees, pet llamas, paddled...
17th Jun 2024
What a treat we had this morning with George the music man, we sang, we danced, played...
15th Jun 2024
For all of their hard work this year P6 were treated to a trip to the cinema to watch...
14th Jun 2024
We are extremely proud of Hannah O’Carolann, Caiden Wright, Kian Canning and...
13th Jun 2024
The boys and girls in P6 have been busy creating a banner and lanterns to support...
13th Jun 2024
The boys and girls in Primary 6 had a great morning with their daddies, uncles, cousins...
13th Jun 2024
The boys and girls had a fun filled day celebrating sports day. We competed in a...
13th Jun 2024
What a fantastic bubble show with Ray Bubbles! The children were amazed with the...